Land Clearing

Land Clearing
It is usually done it two stages. In the first stage, plants that are above ground level are usually removed and stacked together for burning. This usually has the effect of weakening and killing the roots below ground. During the second stage, any damaged trees and stumps that may have been left behind during the first stage need to be removed and then stacked together to be burnt later.
Top Reasons For Clearing Land
To Create An Environment That Is Conducive For Human Habitation
It is impossible to live in a piece of land that is filled with big overgrown weeds and shrubs. When people want to make such a land habitable, it is usually necessary to first clear the unwanted weeds and shrubbery from the affected lot.
To Curb The Spread Of Diseases
Many of the harmful disease-carrying organisms and animals known to man tend to thrive in pieces of land that are dotted with thick overgrown weeds and shrubs. One of the best ways to kill these disease-carrying organisms and stop their spread to surrounding areas is to get rid of their primary habitat through land clearing.
A land that is brimming with overgrown weeds is an eyesore. By clearing the excess weeds and trash on an unused piece of land, you are usually encouraging the natural growth cycle of flora. After the clearing process is completed, you can easily plant your desired flowers, trees and shrubs and then carry out landscaping to make the land look more aesthetically appealing.

What Are Some Of The Negative Side Effects To Land Clearing?
Though land clearing has its benefits, once completed, the process can also have a detrimental impact on the environment, flora and fauna, and human beings.
Some of the negative impacts that often arise after a land has been cleared include:
The Destruction Of The Natural Habitat For Some Organisms & Animals
There are certain organisms and animals that thrive in the bushes and weeds that are usually removed during the land clearing process. When a land is cleared, these organisms and animals usually lose their homes and in the process, most of them die. This usually affects the biodiversity of the land which in turn turns the pre-existing balance in the ecosystem topsy-turvy.
Soil Erosion
The plant cover found on the ground usually plays a key role in preventing soil erosion. Once the plant cover is gotten rid of during land clearing, the new conditions are usually perfect for soil erosion to occur.
Common Methods Of Land Clearing
Different tree service companies employ different techniques to clear land. When deciding the most appropriate technique for clearing land, most firms usually consider the size of the land as well as the intended use of the lot once clearing has been completed.
Some of the most popular land clearing techniques today include:
• Burning – This is perhaps the simplest and most widely land clearing technique. Here, a person usually lights a fire in the area where there are overgrown weeds or shrubs and the monitors the progress of the inferno. The fire is usually put out once the offending plants have been completely razed down
• Use of mechanical equipment – This technique usually involves the use of mechanical equipment such as tractors and bulldozers. The mechanical equipment is usually used to clear the excessively grown plant matter either before or after burning. This land clearing technique is ideal for large tracts of land where there are huge tree stumps that also need to be removed before any work can begin on the lot
• Manual clearing – This usually involves the use of hand-held tools and equipment such as machetes and hoes in clearing excessive plant growth on a piece of land. This clearing technique works best in small pieces of land where there are no trees or tree stumps
• Use of chemicals – Here, chemical solutions such as herbicides are usually sprayed on the offending plant matter effectively ending their growth